How can I access the videos through a firewall?

The videos used in the system are served by our video hosting partner Vimeo from a separate location, outside of

If you are seeing video playback errors like "because of its privacy settings, this video cannot be played here" you need to allow unblocked access to Vimeo.

If you are connecting to the site through a firewall, you may need to ask your network administrator to grant HTTPS access to the following additional sites to allow videos to play:

  • *

If access to Vimeo is blocked in your country or restricted by your internet service provider you might be able to gain access to the videos by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network).

For administrators: 

To enable access to Real Python video lessons on your network, please follow the steps below:

  1. Unblock * and
  2. Add * and as Allowed Referrers

Please note that the above steps will still block network devices from accessing directly and only allows access to Real Python lesson videos via the learning platform.

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