Search results for bookmark

5 articles found

  • How do I bookmark articles/text-based tutorials?

    You can bookmark articles and text-based tutorials by clicking on the ribbon icon: Bookmarked lessons are listed in your bookmarks list.

  • How do I bookmark entire courses?

    You can bookmark an entire course by clicking on the ... (ellipsis) menu on the course page and then selecting Add Bookmark in the dropdown menu: Bookmarked courses are listed in your bookmarks list.

  • How do I bookmark course lessons?

    You can bookmark individual course lessons by clicking on the ribbon icon on the lesson page: Bookmarked lessons are listed in your bookmarks list.

  • How to access bookmarked resources

    Access learning resources you bookmarked, such as course lessons and text-based tutorials through the Bookmarks menu in your account menu: We also display a list of your most recent bookmarks on the

  • Tutorial Section / Headline Permalinks

    If you'd like to send someone to a specific section of a Real Python tutorial you can right-click the # symbol at the end of any article headline and then select "Copy Link Address". This will give